26 February 2007

My "I told you so" moment

Having been on staff with Campus Crusade for several years, I have taken many a personality test. Many. I can explain my personality to you in letters, numbers, animals, with complex graphs and pages of exposition. At least, what I THOUGHT was my personality ...

On many levels, I do know myself pretty well. But in recent years I have been greatly struggling with the commonly held notion that I am an extrovert. An extrovert should get their energy from being with people, should love parties, and have a "the more, the merrier" kind of attitude. And that used to be me. But for a long time now, that has not been me. I have been energized by solitude, quiet, time alone doing things I enjoy like reading, shopping, blogging, working on photo albums or crocheting. I much prefer a night at home than a night out on the town.

And yet, I love people. I really do. I'm fascinated by people, love helping them figure out where they are in life, where they might be going, and who they might really be. I am touched by their stories, often finding myself crying at the news or a sappy commercial. Which is perhaps why its taken me a long time to come to a realization that maybe, just maybe, I lean more toward the introverted than the extroverted.

Because I've struggled with this imbalance in my life, my dad sent me a link to a test to take which gives you the same results as the Myers-Briggs, only the test is much shorter, and its free. After taking it, sure enough, I did NOT come out ENFJ as I always had, but INFJ, indicating a shift to the introvert. First of all, I think our personalities can change over time. Secondly, sometimes our circumstances in life dictate what our greatest needs seem to be. So it doesn't necessarily mean my previous testing as an extrovert was wrong. Whatever the case may be, I'm feeling this sudden "HA! I knew it!" moment. (Why do I need a test to finally validate what I've thought for so long to be true? Its probably part of my personality profile.) After taking the test, I was directed to several pages describing the INFJ Personality Type (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) ... and as I read, I suddenly felt free. Its almost uncanny how accurate those things can be. I didn't resonate with it word for word, but definitely found myself identifying with a few of its more pertinent points, not the least of which is that the INFJ, because of their good relational skills, is often mistaken for an extrovert.

If you're interested in taking the test, click here. Or, if you know your type and are just interested in checking out what it says, click here. And enjoy! Let me know what new things you learn about yourself.

25 February 2007

Josh, Kel and Kayla

This weekend my cousin Josh, his wife Kel and their new baby Kayla were in town. Normally they live in China. THis is the first time any of us have had a chance to meet Kayla ... and what a beauty! On Friday night all the grandkids got together at Grandma's for a grandkids night reunion. On Saturday night the Lindleys threw a baby shower for them. We talked, we played games, we loved on the new baby, and had a general grand time, as the Lindleys always seem to do. To see the rest of the pictures I took at the shower, click
here (this takes you to the first picture in the series ... just click the forward arrow to scroll through them all).

13 February 2007

Happy V-Day!

You know, when I was single, I used to DREAD Valentine’s Day. I’m sure just about EVERYONE can relate. Who’s bright idea was it anyway … to come up with a holiday that REQUIRES us to be mushy and sappy and conjure up something brilliant for the ones we love? Its too much pressure! The millions of flowers and balloons and jewelry and boxes of chocolate adorning every storefront might as well attack and maim me!! Sometimes I think that would be less painful.

As a single woman I always HOPED the guy I had a crush on would finally declare his undying love for me, or at least send me flowers. But I’m sure the guys felt even more pressure than us women, and stayed away from V-Day like it was the plague. Who knows, the girl might think things more serious than they actually are! Poor singles, Valentine’s Day truly can be a horrible “holiday.” (An actual holiday is one your boss recognizes as a day to skip work with pay.) And as a result of the pressure there’s probably less love shown than on any other day of the year. And yet, as much as I understood that, and even hoped it would pass without consequence … there was still always a part of me that was a little disappointed when the day came and went like any other. Even though I’ve always been against the forced pressure of the advertisers and merchants, a small part of me still wanted a heart-shaped box full of chocolate.

However, now that I am married, I find I’m taking a different view on Valentine’s Day. At first, Caleb and I weren’t going to do anything at all. I think that was habit making the decision. What was always a hateful day must still be a hateful day, right? But then, I realized what an opportunity V-Day could be. I could use it as a chance to love on those around me.

I still think its an overly commercialized holiday, and the pressure induced by jewelry stores and Hallmark stores makes me want to throw all my shoes at the TV (and I have a lot of shoes). But since the personal pressure of finding a “valentine” is over (thanks to my wonderful husband), I’m thinking of Valentine’s Day more as an opportunity to share with those I love just how much I love them. I’ve always thought of V-day as more than just a holiday for couples, but for ALL relationships. And since the stores are full of fun stationery and gifts, it becomes fun to come up with something unique to show those around me that I love and care for them. I do admit having a husband makes that “couple” part of Valentine’s Day more fun than its ever been. I know that whatever I do for Caleb will be appreciated and requited (which was always a fear in those single days).

I still remember what an awful day Valentine’s Day can be, and I understand the desire to just have it pass quickly and quietly. I have spent many a February 14 in hiding. But if we can make it about all our blessed relationships, maybe we can beat the V-Day blues.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

07 February 2007

silly movie ... favorite sappy quote

"That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around becomes hazy ... and the only thing in focus is you and this person ... and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift ... and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that it will go away, all at the same time."

Josie Grosie, Never Been Kissed

Seven days until Valentine's Day ... whether you like it or not.

06 February 2007

Exceeding my own expectations

Three out of the six mornings a week I'm at the gym I do a cardio workout. I get on the eliptical machine and I go and go and go until I can't breathe that easily and I think I can't go any more, and my side starts to hurt and the sweat is dripping into my eyes, I start thinking about faking fainting, just so I can stop ... and then I go even HARDER! When I'm done, it takes me at least 20 minutes to fully recover, and only THEN do I feel really good. And then two days later, when I have to do it again, and I don't want to, I have to tell myself that I did it just two days earlier, so why is today different? And I have to admit to myself that I'm right, and surely I will be able to get through that 20 minutes of torture today as well. Damn my logical self. It seems I CAN go further than I had let myself believe.

This morning I said to Caleb, as we were walking back to the car, "Every morning I think I can't do it, and then I do. Its like I'm showing myself up." As I continue on my path to increased personal health and weight-loss, I am often amazed at my own determination and stick-to-itiveness (its a word). I even wonder some days, "Who am I?! I'm not this disciplined." I surprise myself all the time with this thing. And yet the next morning, there I am, gettin' up at the crack of dawn, driving to the gym, only to beat my body into submission once more, making it go further than it thinks it can go. (I admit if it weren't for my husband, most mornings I probably wouldn't get past turning the alarm off, just so I can go back to sleep. I hate getting out of bed.)

But all of this is making me wonder ... are there things in my life that I'm not pursuing, not doing, not challenging myself with ... because I've somehow talked myself into believing I can't do it? What other occasions in my life could I "rise to," if I just challenged myself? Maybe more of who I wish I were is actually attainable. What else is out there that I could surprise myself with?



  • Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. (Helen Keller)

I'm watching ...

I'm Reading ...

  • The Known World, Edward P. Jones
  • The Brothers Karamozov, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Desiring God, John Piper