28 October 2006

how i got caught up in weight-loss mania

I have begun a journey that, wise or not, I've decided to share with the world. One, I figure the more people who know about it, the more I'll be held accountable to accomplishing my goals. Two, I struggle with something most of America is struggling with these days, and I guess I hope that chronicling my journey might be of some insight, and encouragement. And three, it actually makes me angry that I struggle with something I really believe I shouldn't worry so much about. And so I'm hoping that as I write, perhaps I'll find a little more of myself.

What is this monumental struggle so common to Americans today? It is the weight battle. Now, let me take a moment to clarify that I am a firm believer in being happy with exactly who you are. I am exactly who God made me to be: brown-eyed, brunette, somewhat shorter than average, a lousy singer but a gifted crocheter, a night person struggling to live in a morning-person's world, a talker, a reader, an oldest child, a late marryer (is that a word?) ... and so on. I am unique, and that is to be celebrated and appreciated. I appreciate God's other creatures and creation, and so it follows that I should appreciate most the ones he made in the image of himself. From this understanding, I have fought long and hard for my strong sense of self, of self-esteem and self-confidence. I believe I am exactly who he wants me to be, and because of that, I believe its not only OK, but paramount to a healthy relationship with God, to be completely happy with myself.

And yet, even as I tout the virtue of a healthy self-image no matter what, I find myself fighting a daily battle with my weight. Which, on some levels, is silly. In other parts of the world, or even in a not-so-long-ago age, I would be considered the ideal. In China my fair, completely untannable skin was admired and desired by my Chinese friends. In Southern California ... well, its different. From these fairly simple observations I conclude that ideal beauty truly IS in the eye of the beholder, in our case the "beholder" being society. And I HATE to bend my own values to society's norms. And yet I am ... I do. And if we're all honest, its really inescapable. And therein lies my anger at myself for falling into a fairly obvious trap. And yet fallen I have. I just hope my motives, my reasons, are not purely superficial. I think there are aspects to the trap that result in serious, and dangerous, conditions. The pressure to look a certain way is causing eating disorders and plastic surgery frenzies the nation over (i.e. Michael Jackson, Ashlee Simpson). And yet, perhaps the trap doesn't always have to result in something so ... extreme.

There IS a side to the weight debate that is about health. With much of America struggling with obesity, often leading to early death by various weight-related diseases, it IS something we need to deal with. Weight isn't always just an image problem, it is also be a health problem. I'd like to say my battle with image and my battle with health were equally yoked in my struggle to move forward, but it would probably be a lie. Image plays a really big role in this, even for this self-professed self-confident girl.

The weight battle is a battle I have fought for years. All my life really. I have never been skinny, never been described as a rail, or told to eat more 'cause I could be "snapped like a chicken." And then heavy stress during my years in China, the stress caused by re-entry when I came home from China, and various stressful events in the past couple years have caused some weight gain that previously wasn't a problem. (When I'm stressed, I eat. And when I'm stressed for six straight years, all that eating is bound to have consquences.) I denied it for a long time, but recently started to realize that although I might be OK with me, I wasn't ecstatic, and I was starting to lose the real me. I was becoming something other than who I really am. And I just couldn't let that continue to happen. So I made a decision, finally. It was time to DO something about it, or I would spend my life griping and fundamentally unhappy, even as I professed total self-confidence.

I've always been a somewhat healthy eater, and I do like to exercise, but obviously what I had been doing wasn't affecting any change. And so, four weeks ago I began a regimen of exercise and healthier eating previously unpracticed, and undesired, I might add. I've been getting up at 5:45 every morning to go to the gym. Its INSANE! And if it weren't for the fact that my fabulous husband were also getting up with me, and working out with me, this would not be happening. So most of the applause belongs to him for helping me stick to this crazy schedule. I have also been skipping desserts, including chocolate. And I LOVE chocolate. It is painful to skip dessert. Painful, I tell you! I have been choosing pita bread over regular bread, protein over carbs, and trying to follow some semblance of a healthier diet. I've switched to decaf coffee. DECAF! I'm trying lowfat versions of my favorite foods (a practice I was previously diabolically opposed to). And I hate it. I do it because I know I need to, but I hate it. I really just want to eat what I want to eat. There are people who can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound. Why can't I be one of them? If I even LOOK at something bad for me, I gain two pounds. It seems so unfair, but so it goes. I have to move past my anger and deal with the hand I was dealt. Besides eating and exercise, I've bought a scale, which I also hate. Before this scale, I don't think I'd actually weighed myself in 15 years. But I find it helpful, encouraging, to really know the results for all my hard work. I pulled out a pair of too-small pants that used to be my FAVORITE and put them in my closet, not for torture, but for motivation, because I want to wear them by Christmas. And I have enlisted the help of two people, my husband and my very good friend Melanie, to help me through this process, especially on days I am weak. They are my certified accountability partners, with permission to to ask and say the hard things, to help me stay on track. Sometimes, saying no to chocolate cake for dessert is simply impossible by yourself.

I've written more than I meant to in this first installment of my weight-loss journey, but its good processing for me. My goal is to write regularly, documenting the daily battle for self-image, self-restraint, and a healthy balance between the two. Its helpful for me, and hopefully, at the very least, entertaining for you.

27 October 2006

beautiful Southern California

Today is what my husband would call a "Chamber of Commerce Day." Its absolutely BEAUTIFUL outside. Stepping from my car to come into my office, which sometimes feels a little bit like a cave, was a tough decision this morning. I stopped a moment before going in, gazed out on a day that proves why so many people come to live here, and then very slowly turned away and headed into the office.

The weather is cool (for now ... it IS supposed to reach 90 today), the breeze is blowing, yesterday's wind blew most of the smog away from the mountains, so you can actually see them! The sky is blue, and the trees have all started turning their brilliant shades of Fall orange, yellow and red. It is a gorgeous day, and I just needed everyone to know what an amazing person I am that I chose to be responsible today, and climb into my cave instead of up a mountain.

Happy Friday!

PS I tried finding a picture online of what today looks like, but alas, I could not. So hopefully you will be simply be motivated to take a few breaks outside today and experience it for yourself.

20 October 2006

women's retreat

Back Row: Alicia, Dori, Cori, Darcy, Gabbie
Front Row: Michelle, Heidi, Jennifer

Last weekend was the Women's Retreat for Friends Community Church (the church Caleb and I attend). I wasn't able to attend the first day, because it was the same day as my grandpa's 80th birthday party at my parents' house (which required me not only being there for the party, but for helping out my mom with all the set up and clean up). But I went out with Alicia and Dori on Sunday morning and crashed the last part of it, and we had a great time. (Everyone got their red t-shirts on the first day, which is why I'm not wearing one.) Mostly, I had a really good time just hanging out with girlfriends. I love hanging out with my girlfriends.

18 October 2006

the first 80 years

This is Caleb and I with my Grandpa Hammer on his 80th birthday (he's my dad's dad). He has six kids and lots of grandkids, and even a few great-grandkids! And almost all of them were there on Saturday. What a great legacy! Happy Birthday Grandpa! HAnd here's to another fantastic 80 years.

13 October 2006

note to self

Watch placement of fingers when slicing lemons with large serrated knife.

10 October 2006

he's back!

I realize I'm a grown woman, 31 years old, with a fairly reasonable head on my shoulders. But every now and then I revert to my 14-year-old self and I get positively giddy over a superstar. In this case, its Josh Groban. Have you heard this kid sing?!?! He's amazing! And his newest album, which I didn't even know was coming, will be on shelves in just one month (November 7, to be precise). You can bet your bottom dollar (and my husband's) that I will be in line THAT DAY to purchase my own copy. If there is anyone who wants to join me in my teenage giddiness ... I promise not to judge you.

09 October 2006

i baked!

I am not a great cook, by any stretch of the imagination. My specialties are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I don't even have to look at the box for the instructions anymore! (I am learning, though. And Caleb and I have actually been doing more cooking lately. Its fun, and so far the only injuries have been a nearly severed fingernail and too-full stomachs.)

However, once in a while I get this insatiable urge to bake. And on Caleb's birthday it became a mission to bake him a home made apple pie. I found a recipe, bought the ingredients, peeled a million apples, and baked this beautiful and, according to Caleb, delicious apple pie. I just thought the experience should be documented for posterity.

Mixing the ingredients ... almost ready to go in the pie dish ...

Mmmmmm .... pie.

Mmmmmm .... pie.

I think he likes it! (I actually took about 97 pictures of him, making him take bites, watching his ice cream melt, trying to capture that look of pure and unabashed eating enjoyment ... this is the best I could get. But I swear it was there!)

08 October 2006

happy birthday ... again!

This weekend we celebrated both my dad's birthday and Caleb's birthday (this would be Caleb's THIRD birthday celebration ... but you can't have too many, right?) Here are a few pictures from the evening. The whole family was there! (Including my own mother, who, however, managed to avoid the camera the entire evening. Sorry Mom!! I didn't realize my oversight until today! I promise!)

Amy and myself ... with a giant healing cold sore on my lip ... which you probably wouldn't have even noticed if I hadn't mentioned it ... but then, I don't see how you COULD miss it, its so ... THERE. I also dyed my hair that day ... a little darker than I'd wanted, but I like it.

Ah, Rachel and David, our newly engaged couple.

Me and Caleb, the third-time birthday boy.

Grandma and Grandpa Lindley. Married over 50 years and still in love.

Jon and Julie, still recovering from a crazy summer, complete with near-dead cats, hands used to practice drilling, and feet used for stingray practice (thus the giant boot on Julie's foot).

Caleb opening presents.

Dad opening presents.

It was definitely a fun evening. Can't wait for the family gathering at Thanksgiving ... should be awesome!

06 October 2006

good bye Summer

Well, Summer is finally fading into the cooler and shorter days of Autumn, and I am practically jumping for joy! Now, my husband likes to argue that Summer is the best season of the year. The days are long, the weather is warm enough to be out in the evenings without a sweater, its full of fun outdoor activities and sunshine to make you happy. And on many levels, he's right. He really is. And yet, come with me and examine the picture below, and let us remember the less-than-pleasant side of summer.

Do you see those candles? Do you see how they melted and created beautiful sculptures they were never meant to be (or grotesque? I let you decide.)? I think those candles melted like that during the heat wave we had in July, that time when it was so hot I couldn't fall asleep. I feel like those candles most of the summer, every year. If it weren't for air conditioning, I would have no friends. Why is a/c so integral to my social world? Well, I hate being hot, and I tend to complain about it a lot, and if there were no a/c, I would complain so much my friends would stop talking to me, and it would just me and the candles, alone and disfigured. I try not to complain, but not very hard.

And so I welcome, with open arms, the cooler and pleasant days of Autumn. Yes, the days are shorter. I have to drag myself out of bed before the sun is up, and it feels ... wrong.

But at least I'm not hot.

The sun is pretty low in the sky when I get off work, making driving challenging.

But I can drive with the windows down, and its not hot.

The weather can actually be unpredictable sometimes. Like today, I thought it was much warmer than it was, and left the house only to wish later I had a jacket.

But I'll remember next time, and I LOVE my jackets ... which have been crammed in my closet and haven't felt fresh air for nigh on six months now. I'm sure they're anxiuos to be free.

You know what else is awesome about Autumn? The colors. I LOVE the colors! The browns and greens and reds and oranges. They're so rich, and you add to that the low-sitting sun, shining like a spotlight, and you have a brilliant array of fall colors. I can't wait to revel in them (and wear them, of course).

Oh, and I love corduroy, which seems only to be fashionable in October and November.

So, here's to Autumn! I'm sorry for my husband, who must wait another year for his long days and warmer evenings. But perhaps he'll enjoy cuddling with me on the couch instead, drinking hot chocolate and watching chick flicks. I mean really, is there any happier way to spend an evening?

Happy Autumn everyone!

02 October 2006

happy birthday husband!

Today, October 2, is Caleb's 31st birthday. Happy Birthday Caleb! Yesterday we spent the day up in Thousand Oaks celebrating with his family, including the two newest members, Burke and Conrad. There are some adorable pictures below (of both the babies and my husband) ... Enjoy!

Caleb blowing out the candles on his pies. It was a "3" candle and a "1" candle. We, of course, had fun arranging them as 13 instead of 31.

Some presents can be dangerous. This was Andrew's creation. It was an obvious choice, being as how there was extra wrapping paper.

This is Burke, taking a nap in Caleb's arms. So cute!!

And here's the happy (if somewhat tired) family. Christie is holding Conrad, Lucas is holding Gershwin (until recently, the only child), and Mom Dub is holding Burke to put him in the picture.

they came, they played, they lost

On Saturday, September 30, the Friends Community Church softball teams played in the finals tournament down at a park in Anaheim. They gave a solid effort, but were eliminated in the double elimination tourny ... after losing the first two games. But the boys had fun! Here's a few pictures to document the affair.

Cousin Ben ... stretching in preparation to demolish the other teams.

Husband Caleb ... ready to annihilate opposing teams, anyone who might dare to challenge them.

Caleb ... ready to knock the cover off the ball!

Ben ... hitting one far and away.

WHAT? We LOST?! TWICE?!! Say it isn't so! Oh well ... I'm hungry. How does burgers sound? I don't even want to change my sweaty shirt ... just feed my sorrows with beef, and all will be well.

go angels!

I realize they were long out of the pennant race by the time we went to Thursday's game ... but they're still our Angels! And they played a great game. And won! In fact, they almost swept the A's again this past weekend. They should be proud. Here are a few pictures from the game. We had a great time.

Dad, Caleb and Andrew. Look, even Dad's got Angels gear on! (He's fairly well known as a Dodgers fan ... which, this year, was a good team to choose.)

Mom and Amy ... I'm not sure who she's kissing, but I'm sure its an Angel.

And me. Looking ridiculous, but its the only picture of me from the night.


  • Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. (Helen Keller)

I'm watching ...

I'm Reading ...

  • The Known World, Edward P. Jones
  • The Brothers Karamozov, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Desiring God, John Piper