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the babies are here!

Caleb and I are are now Uncle Caleb and Aunt Heidi!

Friday night Lucas and Christie decided to go to the hospital when Christie's stomach ache seemed only to be getting worse. Well, her bad stomach ache turned out to be pre-eclempsia, and the doctors decided it was time for her babies to make their faces known to the world. Within just a couple hours of arriving at the hospital she'd been prepped for surgery and taken to the O.R. Both Lucas and Christie's mom were able to be in the operating room, and she gave birth to two healthy baby boys. Conrad Robert came first, weighing in at 5 lb 4 oz, and Burke Edward followed him just a minute later, weighing in at 5 lb 11 oz. The babies are technically premature, so they're being held in the NICU for now, just down the hall from Christie's room, where she's recovering from the C-section. Under the condition that we scrubbed our arms clean until they bled, we got to go in and see them for ourselves yesterday afternoon. What an honor. I can't wait to get to actually hold them for myself.

Conrad will most likely get to go home with mom when she's released on Thursday. Burke will spend a little more time in the hospital than Conrad, as he's still learning to breathe right, but that shouldn't take long and he'll be home in no time.

Congratulations Lucas and Christie! We're absolutely thrilled.

(I was a retard and didn't take pictures myself yesterday, but you can see the dublets for yourself at their website: http://www.dublets.blogspot.com/. Or you can click on the link at the right, The Dublets.)