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a few of my favorite things

The last couple weeks have been pretty up and down for me ... Last week was full of emotional drama, this week I've been sick. And I've found myself being pulled down into wallowing in my own melodrama, forgetting just how much I have to be thankful for. I once heard a talk on the importance of thankfulness, and how it really is the most central aspect to living a full and content life. The Bible exhorts us to be thankful in ALL things, even our trials. Without gratitude, we become complainers, nothing is ever good enough, and we wallow in misery. What good is that to anyone? None, I tell you. None. So, today I'm going to do an exercise in thankfulness. I hope it will inspire you to think about all the things you are thankful for. I guarantee it will lift your spirits and nourish your soul. OK, let's see ....

I am immensely thankful for my husband. He is the most patient and caring man I know, and has weathered this last couple weeks of my ups and downs with grace and love, as he tends to weather all things.

I am thankful for Fall. Its my favorite time of year, and I LOVE watching the trees turn colors, the weather finally cool down, and people wearing corduroy.

I am thankful for my short commute to work. No more freeway traffic!

On that note, I am also thankful for my job, my great boss and coworkers. It has been a blessed respite from what had been a stressful situation.

I am thankful for my home. Its a wonderful home, cozy and comfortable, with working appliances, lots of candles and a wonderfully soft couch I could sit on all day.

I am thankful for the approaching holidays. Its my other favorite thing about Fall. Stores are already full of Christmas paraphernelia, welcoming the season of twinkle lights, shiny wrapping paper, pumpkin pie and good cheer. Its a time to be with family, to eat too much, sing Christmas carols and get away with wearing as much red and all the sparkle you can.

Also, with the holidays approaching, coffee creamers are coming out in flavors of pumpkin spice and peppermint mocha. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

I am thankful for enough money to eat three meals a day, for living in California where the "middle of nowhere" isn't really that far away (I love the "middle of nowhere"), for chocolate, for Josh Groban finally releasing a new album, for Kraft macaroni and cheese spirals, for all my family, old and new, for email and blogs to easily communicate with friends worldwide, for "Heroes" and "Lost" and "24" (coming soon!), for classic literature, for blue skies, for my dad's photography, and of course, for vacation. I get a whole 10 days off at Christmas, and I can't wait! I will then enjoy some of my favorite activities: spending a whole day reading a good book, spending the day with my husband doing whatever we want, hanging out in a cafe, shopping, mid-day movies, staying up late and sleeping in late ... its going to be fabulous.

What are you thankful for today? Might I encourage you to write it down? And choose to think on those things this day, and see if your day doesn't look brighter.

Colossians 3:16 "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God."